Doncaster Rape & Sexual Abuse Counselling Service
It is common for those who have suffered rape or sexual abuse to describe feelings of isolation, struggling to believe that other people within Doncaster have had similar experiences. The group sessions offered by DRASACS provide the opportunity for those who have completed a one to one counselling programme to interact with people who have also completed DRASACS counselling and feel ready to meet others with experience of rape and sexual abuse.
The group sessions are a place in which people can explore their individual experiences, with the opportunity for fellow group members to provide insight and feedback to each other. You are in charge of the information you share within the group, with you holding the control over what, how much and when you share your thoughts with the group. Group sessions provide a supported transition from the end of counselling to developing positive support networks.
Group sessions are led by either one or two facilitators, who are qualified counsellors and work to ensure that the group sessions are effective and safe. The first session of any group involves the establishment of ground rules which group members identify and adhere to. Within these rules the issue of confidentiality is discussed, with an agreement that whatever is discussed in the group sessions remains in the group. This is to respect the privacy of you and other group members and increase the comfort of sharing information with the group.
Many people feel anxious or uncertain before attending group sessions; this is normal. During the first couple of sessions there will be a focus on building trust under the direction of the group facilitator(s). DRASACS carefully considers the formation of groups to ensure that the people who are put together are able to work together effectively.
Being able to act out feelings either on paper or using models was very useful.
— Graham | Aged 24