Doncaster Rape & Sexual Abuse Counselling Service
17th Jun 21 | Go Back
The service has remained operational throughout the pandemic and lockdown and people are free to make referrals for support.
We are looking to re-open face to face therapy for children at the beginning of August, and are in the process of making the building COVID secure and contacting clients to organise resuming support we could not deliver safely through telephone and webcam.
There will be some clients that may feel unable or uneasy about using the telephone, and as it is a confidential space, clients need to set aside a private space for themselves to focus on the session. We would urge clients to try it initially and discuss concerns with their counsellor, and then decide.
We understand with schools being closed it may not be possible for all clients to have a private space, and may need to consider childcare for a short period to go ahead. If someone is unable to work on the telephone, we will pause therapy and continue once the advice from Public Health England has shifted. Nobody will lose their place with their therapist.
The ISVA’s will be available on the telephone as per people’s care and contact plan. There may be some delays with Court Cases and Investigations and we will update everyone with as much information as we are able to.